Party Hoppers
Narcissists are constantly on the move, avoiding home like it’s a quarantine zone. Home means facing themselves, and that’s about as appealing as a root canal. Instead, they seek distractions and endless sources of supply—adoration, attention, and validation. This need drives them to parties, events, and anywhere they can bask in others’ admiration.
At home, they’d have to confront their reality, and let’s face it, that’s not happening. They thrive on the high of deceit and the sadistic joy of exploiting others. It’s all about newness—new supply, new targets, new lies. They’re like hunters in a jungle of innocence, constantly seeking the next thrill.
Despite having everything one might need to feel satisfied; narcissists keep searching for more. Why? Because they have a metaphorical hole in their vessel—everything drains out. They need to be around people, indulging in high-risk behaviors to fill the void. This perpetual running away from themselves continues until they can no longer escape. Eventually, it engulfs them, leading to their inevitable collapse.
Durvasula, R. (2015). Should I Stay or Should I Go? Surviving a Relationship with a Narcissist. Post Hill Press.
Durvasula, R. (2019). Don’t You Know Who I Am? How to Stay Sane in an Era of Narcissism, Entitlement, and Incivility. Post Hill Press.
American Psychological Association. (2023). Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Retrieved from APA
Campbell, W. K. (2020). The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement. Atria Books.
The author of this website, Mary Susan,
1. Has no credentials in psychology,
2. Is a narcissist who creates chaos in everyone's lives, and
3. Hilariously created this website as a (classic) narcissist projection.
Fuck you Mary Susan. You'll never change.